10 Sex Mistakes Women Make


Lifestyle Zone Actress Indonesian. The Sex and the City girls did their best to teach us, but now a doctor of sex has identified the top 10 sex mistakes women make that ruin their relationships.

Dr. Yvonne Kristín Fulbright is a sex educator, relationship expert, columnist and founder of Sexuality Source Inc.

The author of several books including, Touch Me There! A Hand Guide to Your Orgasmic Hot Spots has now created a check list on Fox News for women to help them stop falling into the same sexual patterns.

Basically, Dr Fulbright says:
1. Motherhood should not make you celibate
Motherhood should not make you celibate. Instead, you need to see yourself as a hot mama, switching on your Marilyn Monroe persona the second you get your lover alone. For your sake, for your family’s sake, you need to temporarily forget that you’re known as an asexual “mommy” most of the day. You need to nurture your sex life with as much zest as you put into your childcare. Happy parents make for happy families.

2. Be responsive in the sack
Most of us don’t like to have sex with a corpse. Don’t just lie there ... Move! Make noise. Do anything but play dead! If you want your lover to keep coming back, you need to go beyond the missionary position.

3. Stay feminine.
Strive to stay trim and look your best, and apparently effortlessly at that. While he wants you to be the girl-next-door in so many ways, he also wants to eternally see you as his sex goddess.

4. Don't judge his porn
Unless you’ve been replaced by his passion for pornography, don’t give him a guilt trip for it. Instead of seeing his Playboy or Penthouse as a threat, see it as an enhancement.

5. Talk dirty
The occasional potty mouth can be a passion-inducer. So don’t be shy! Learn to talk dirty. I’m not saying sound like a trucker (unless that’s your thing). But don’t be afraid to get a little filthy. Who knows? You might deserve a good spanking for talking like that.

6. Own your body.
Big or small, short or tall, what men find a turn-on more than anything is how a woman carries herself — her confidence. This will help you boost your sex comfort and his.

7. Trash-talking other women.
Sure, you think she looks like a prostitute. But guess what? He does too — and is most likely loving it. Putting down other women in front of him serves as no more than a sign of insecurity. And that makes you unattractive.

8. Don't assume you'll be monogamous.
You’re not monogamous till you have the talk. Having sex is no guarantee of anything, including reciprocal feelings, love, and a future. So don’t make any assumptions. Be honest about what you want. Don’t use sex manipulatively.

9. Don't ignore his nipples.
While known as a "girl-thing," nipples can be his thing too. Many men have sensitive nipples. In fact, some men have nipples that are more sensitive than their lovers'.

10. Don't use too much teeth.
When it comes to oral fixations, this feast should not involve fangs. Teeth scraping is not allowed.

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Embrace The Marriage Cliché

It's the end of life as she knows it, which isn't a bad thing

Lifestyle Zone Actress Indonesian. I'm getting married tomorrow. And I'm having trouble describing what that means to me, minus a mixture of worn clichés. Perhaps it's because the act of getting married is a cliché. But I'll try.

Modern married women -- at least the ones like me who waited a bit -- sign away a part of life. The part that speaks freely and with pride about past lovers, and the part that gives license to complain about men, and the part that can shrug off society's critiques with, "What does the world expect? I'm doing this all on my own."

As singles, we nod in sympathy with our girlfriends at the immaturity and the recklessness of the bachelors. My fiancé has renounced his bachelor ways. Something he sees in me makes him want to do that. (It's magic.)

I can't speak for him, but I'll miss the wild camaraderie shared with independent single women. It was so much a part of my identity.

But we were always searching, right? What do you feel when you find the thing that you've been searching for but thought you'd never find?

Well, it feels like this: I sometimes miss the idea of being single, but not being single itself. I relished the general wildness of going solo, of not having a place in society, of opening my own jars. There's this thrill feeling I got when I was at a bar in some city and dressed up all cute, when a warm breeze blew through my hair and over my arms, while I sipped a mixed fruity drink. Youth and sexual attraction and a hint of danger, surrounded by sharks, were part of it. Possibility and power over my own behavior were another part. Also, I love to flirt.

I choose to give up those things with gratitude that I experienced such sensations and can write about them. Because, for all my confident reporting and life adventures and their resulting excitements, I was lonely.

I'm talking about Sunday nights and Tuesday nights, when the radio couldn't fill the void and I sometimes cried into my pillow and I prayed to God to send me an Earth person who understood.

If I think about Marriage, and its societal tendency to put people in their respective places, it scares me. I hate it on a grand scale. The titles of wife and husband -- so often the butt of dull jokes -- still make me cringe. Revolt against clichés!

But choosing to preserve love long term is its own revolt. If I consider marriage on a small scale -- of choosing before God a lifetime of caring, optimistic, good-hearted Derek; of dancing to Neil Diamond in the kitchen; of tangled legs and reading books; of the crook of an arm; of the man-smell of a used T-shirt; of caring for another human; of filling the nights with only two; of a peck on the lips each morning; of tickling and giggling -- then it's easy to say "Forever."

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