Flirty skirts "Fun, flowing and forgiving summer wear"


Lifestyle Zone. BY HEATHER TOSKAN - Simple, easy dressing is one of the joys of summer and dresses and skirts create the preferred mix of comfort and style.

"Women love the feel of the summer sun on their shoulders and legs after a long, bundled winter," says Hbc fashion director Suzanne Timmins. "In the summer our wellbeing is at its peak and we feel healthy and beautiful -- the perfect time to wear uber feminine dresses and flirty skirts."

Ease is the current buzzword as sleeveless shifts and chemises feature extra fabric for a roomier fit than last year's versions.

Draped jersey knit dresses include plenty of gathering and ruching for a soft silhouette. Dresses and skirts with tiered layers also flounce into style.

At-the-knee remains classic, but A-line minis are especially popular with the young and the leggy.

Printed and patterned ankle-length maxi dresses designers such as Missoni and Pucci call "patio dresses" look casually chic paired with flip flops and a sunhat.

However, the casual maxi can be easily gussied up with dangling earrings, metallic sandals and an armload of bangles to take you from the patio to the party in a wink.

"Mid-calf length dresses present another great fashion option that can also be easily dressed up and down," says Rita Lee, vice-president of merchandising for the Melanie Lyne chain.

Asymmetrical and hanky hemlines lead the eye vertically, making mid-calf lengths more flattering to those who find that traditional, straight hemmed versions add width and weight to the fullest part of their calves.

Fit and flared sundresses of all lengths that taper gently at the waistline and flare into flattering A-line skirts are popular, as are full '50s inspired skirts, cinched and belted at the waist, and fully gathered dirndl skirts with waistbands.

"This summer, skirts have a flirty silhouette that is slightly fitted through the hips, but is also soft and full," says Brigitte Martin, a spokesman for Reitmans. "Skirts are textured with embroidery and eyelet, as well as with light crinkle effects in the material."

Summer skirts and dresses run riot with colourful explosions of colour, pattern and print. Bright shades of red, coral, yellow, aqua, royal blue, lime, fuchsia and violet vibrate and intertwine colourfully on solid and patterned styles.

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Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With B

Lifestyle Zone. By Levi Reiss - An alphabetical guideline of how to get your sex life and perhaps your love life in order. Whether you want a committed relationship, a one-night stand, or something in between we provide suggestions, guidelines, and tips for getting and staying there. We focus on the positive, but don't ignore the mistakes that are so easy to make and not so easy to repair. This article focuses on belief, bold, and brains. Stay tuned.

We all want to improve our sex life; that goes for heterosexuals, homosexuals, and those in between. Virtually all of us feel we should be "getting" more and "getting" better. In fact we want both more and better. What’s the problem, I want it, you want it, what do you say we get together, right now? Alas, life and especially sex life is rarely that simple. There is no magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will get you where you want to be before the evening, or if you’re particularly ambitious, before the afternoon, is over.

There isn’t even any article that will do the job for you, or transform a loser into a winner. And yet it is possible to improve your sex life whether you are in the midst of a great relationship, a successful swinger, a three-time loser, or just about anyone else. Sexual relationship success is partly common sense, it’s partly putting yourself in the other person’s shoes before putting…, and it’s partly something else. Well, you’ll have to read these articles to find out about the third part.

We have so many suggestions for improving your sex life that we are putting together an alphabetical list of what to do. Just so you don’t miss out, we are also putting together an alphabetical list of what not to do. Don’t let all your time, effort, perhaps money, and perhaps love, go down the drain by putting your foot in your mouth when what you really want; we all know what you really want.

B is for belief. In some ways this one is quite simple. If you don’t believe in yourself, you won’t find many people to believe in you, whether we are talking about sexual or non-sexual relationships. Of course, if you have been striking out a lot, it’s easy to lose confidence in yourself. I suppose that you could say a mantra such as I’m good enough… before hitting your favorite night spots. But it might make more sense to change venues.

B is for bold. Don’t be a namby-pamby. If you want to meet someone, go up to him or her and start talking. Let him or her know that you are interested. If the answer is a clear no, don’t worry about it, just move on. You should also be bold in moving the relationship to the next level. If she/he says, "Why are you rushing?" the simple answer is "I’m not rushing, I just want to get to know you." You don’t have to add that you mean know in the Biblical sense. For those who are not in the know, Biblical knowledge of someone is carnal knowledge. (Sounds like fun.)

B is for brains. Like they say, your most important sexual organ is between your ears. You were given brains, use them. This advice is particularly directed at the male members of the species. Don’t say something stupid. Don’t do something stupid. Of course when the alcohol is flowing this advice may be hard to follow. But it’s worth it. If you use your brains you sometimes realize that it won’t happen tonight but tomorrow is another day. But sometimes using your brains means you realize that it will never happen and moving on.

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Could You Have Sex Every Day for a Year?

Lifestyle Zone. By Buzzle Staff and Agencies. Two new books have hit the bestseller list, both chronicles of couples’ decisions to have sex every day – every….single…

Charla Muller couldn’t think of what to give her husband for his 40th birthday. It was a special birthday, but nothing she came up with seemed particularly creative.

Then she had a flash of insight. As her gift, she promised her husband they would have sex every day for a year. 365 days of sex.

"This is something no one else would give him," said Muller in an interview. "It didn’t cost a lot of money, it was highly memorable. It met all the criteria for a really great gift."

At first he was delighted. Then he figured she wouldn’t follow through. But when it became clear that she was serious, off they went, having sex almost every day for a year.

The experience is chronicled in Muller’s book, "365 Nights." Coincidentally, the book is being released at nearly the same time as another one with the same subject matter. "Just Do It," by Douglas Brown, tells the story of Brown and his wife and their pledge to have sex 101 days in a row.

Both books seem to have hit a nerve and are selling well, and the couples are being adopted as media darlings and hitting the talk show circuit.

Psychotherapist Dr. Barton Goldsmith, author of "Emotional Fitness for Couples," said to reporters that the economic situation could be part of the reason for the books’ popularity.

"Recession is good for relationships," said Dr. Goldsmith. "People don't want to go out so they can cocoon, and sex can be fun for many couples. It beats the hell out of Monopoly. Reclaiming the spark of romance is always a timely subject."

While the Mullers embarked on their year of love as a birthday gift, the Browns decided to "just do it" because they were in the doldrums after having moved from Baltimore to Colorado.

Missing friends, family, and neighborhood, the couple thought up their idea as a way to get them out of their depression. "We were just kind of bummed out when Annie handed me this idea, and I said that it might be kind of fun and put some spark back in our lives," said "Just Do It" author Douglas Brown. "Baltimore was the kind of place that generated its own spark. We wanted to see if we could do the same in what we began to call our sensory-deprivation chamber."

That doesn’t say much for Stapleton, Colorado, where they had moved to.

Both books chronicle the challenges of sex every single day, whether they felt like it or not. Sick? Gotta have sex anyway. Mad? Too bad, time to have sex. Kids getting in the way? Hire a babysitter and go to it.

There were definitely obstacles. One day Doug Brown experience a bout of vertigo (dizziness and disorientation) and his wife was not going to take no for an answer. "I’m not a quitter," she told reporters. "The night he had vertigo, I said, ‘I’m sorry guy, but you’ve got to keep going.’"

For her part, Charla Muller says she hit a wall around month 10, and started referring to the "gift" as "my stupid idea," and "my cross to bear." But the Mullers, too, kept going, missing only a few days per month as husband Brad traveled for work. "When he was traveling, we tried to make up for it," said Charla.

Both books are selling very well, though "Just Do It" is doing somewhat better on bestseller lists, some say because the details of the 101-day sexathon are more graphic, and the reader feels like he or she "is part of a threesome."

Think you could do it? It might not solve all your problems, say psychologists and sex therapists. "There’s all sorts of reasons people lose interest in sex with their partner; disappointments, life cycles, financial issues. Just having [sex] isn’t going to resolve those."

But for the Mullers and the Browns, they say it definitely brought them closer. "[We had] this intense closeness," said Annie Brown of the 101-day experience. "We were so aware of wherever the other person was mentally and emotionally, and physically."

The Browns say they didn’t have sex for a month after the 101st day, but that their frequency these days is better than it was before the experiment.

The Mullers, too, say that sex is better these days, and they’re glad for their year-long tryst. "It made it much easier to be open to the idea, more spontaneous," says Charla Muller. "It was a really meaningful lesson."

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Problems in Getting the Sex Life You Want and Deserve - Starting With C

Lifestyle Zone. By Levi Reiss - An alphabetical guideline of dealing with the problems in your sex life and perhaps your love life. Whether you want a committed relationship, a one-night stand, or something in between we provide suggestions, guidelines, and tips for getting and staying there. While we focus on the negative, on mistakes that are easy to make and hard to repair, we make positive suggestions as well. This article focuses on control, capitulate, and compete.

Whether heterosexual, homosexual, or somewhere in the middle we all want to improve our sex life. Who wants to be alone? We can’t offer you an article, magic pill, perfume, potion, or pick-up line that will automatically send you and your intended partner to the bedroom. However, I really do believe that you can perk up your sex life whoever you are. We present a double series of articles for the letter C.

This article focuses on the problems and pitfalls that prevent you from improving your sex life. Another series focuses on what you should be doing. Both our "negative" and "positive" suggestions will help you get what you want.

C is for control. This is a big one. One of the worst things in a relationship is being a control freak. You know the kind, everything has to be done his or her way. If that’s your modus operandi, learn to cut a little slack. The world won’t collapse if dinner or even sex is ten minutes late. If you want to fill your stomach early what about taking a more active part in preparing the meal? Oh, you say that you just got home from work; in that case what about getting things started the night before? Needless to say, with control freaks the real issue is the act of being the boss, and the dinner or other bone of contention itself is quite secondary. Of course control freaks are a pain in bed, sometimes quite literally. Everything has to be done their way. So much for spontaneity. One the great aspects of sex is letting the activities take their course. Turn each other on, and see what happens. And don’t let control issues get in the way.

C is for capitulate. This is the flip side of control, and is also a no-no. Sure it’s good to compromise. But capitulation is not compromise. Totally giving in to your partner’s demands is no good for the relationship, or even the sex act itself. If you are doing something that’s really contrary to what pleases you, you’re unlikely to enjoy yourself. And unless your partner is a control freak or totally insensitive, he or she should pick up on the problem and also be unsatisfied. Stand your ground. It’s important.

C is for compete. Sex is supposed to be an example of cooperation, many would say the supreme example of cooperation between (occasionally among) consenting adults. Don’t compete with your partner in bed. Another form of competition best avoided is the locker-room conversation, with participants asserting that they are the greatest lover, often in numeric terms. Kiss and tell might not be so bad, but adult locker-room conversations rarely involve kissing.

Are you tired of all this negativity? Take a look at our companion series that accentuates the positive.

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Female Orgasm


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Monday misery all in the mind

Lifestyle Zone. Monday morning blues are a figment of the imagination, according to new research that reveals we are just as happy at the start of the week as at the end. Studies by University of Sydney psychologists have found that with foresight and hindsight people dread Monday mornings the most and love Friday evenings more than any other time.

But a closer look at daily mood shows there is actually very little variation in our happiness levels over a week.

"We found that the Monday morning blues and Thank God It's Friday are largely inaccurate theories of how moods vary when they actually don't," said lead researcher Professor Charles Areni.

"Mondays are not actually blue at all, but we persist in the belief that they are."

The research team collected mood information from hundreds of Sydneysiders, asking them for their worst and best morning and evening of the week.

Another study tracked their actual mood day by day, with the results compared in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology.

"As it turned out, the real low point of the week we found was Wednesday, not Monday, and that mood change was only slight," Prof Areni said.

He said the day-of-the-week stereotypes stemmed from a cultural belief that people were generally happier when they were free to choose their activities compared to when they were sitting at a desk.

"Monday morning is remembered and predicted to be the worst part of the week because it is the first work day after two days of free time, and because four work days follow before the next period of free time," he said.

"Likewise, Friday evening is the best part of the week because it marks the beginning of an extended period of free time."

He said the finding was linked to a growing body of research that said humans may overvalue choice.

"The freedom to choose is a foundation of Western ideology. We value it hugely and the idea of it being taken away, as it is at work, is terrible," Prof Areni said.

"But in reality it's not so bad, so maybe choice is not all it's cracked up to be."

Professor Bill von Hippel, a social psychologist at the University of Queensland, said the findings supported other research showing humans were very poor at predicting or reflecting on mood.

"It makes perfect sense to be excited about the concept of Friday night and to think Monday mornings are awful," Prof von Hippel siad.

"But the truth is when these times roll around there's so many other things happening our lives that these predicted ups and downs tend to even out."

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Gays opt for rent-a-womb babies

Lifestyle. More than 100 gay Australian couples have paid $80,000 to create a baby using rent-a-womb women in the United States, a fertility clinic has revealed.

The controversial scheme, branded as "one-stop baby shopping", is becoming increasingly popular among professional gay men in Sydney and Melbourne, according to The Fertility Institutes based in Los Angeles.

"We've seen more than 125 gay couples from Australia who have gone home with a baby," said the clinic's medical director, Dr Jeffrey Steinberg.

"We're up to six to eight a month now, which is a four-fold increase over two years ago.

"That makes Australia one of our biggest markets, neck-and-neck with Britain."

The specialist program, the first dedicated to two-father families, allows gay men to pay for surrogate children, a practice which is illegal in Australia.

Couples pick a donor from a list of 400 university students and her eggs are then implanted in a different woman who bears the child.

The process allows sex selection and complete anonymity between the male parents and the donor.

"They are almost all professional, working men who obviously have a bit of money and desperately want a child," Dr Steinberg said.

"They've got busy lives and obviously a lot of restrictions on them down in Australia so it's something we can sort out for them for between $US75,000 and US$80,000."

Surrogacy laws in Australia vary from state to state, with altruistic surrogacy, in which the woman who carries the child is not paid, allowed in some jurisdictions.

State and federal governments are moving to consider nationally consistent law on the practice, however, this is unlikely to be extended to gay couples.

Britain, Canada and many Asian nations are similar, while the US has legalised paid surrogacy for all couples.

One Melbourne couple going through the process, Simon and Tony, say the US situation offered "huge hope" for their wish to be parents.

"We were simply unable to do that here unless we wanted to take the turkey baster option, and that wasn't available to us," said Simon, who requested anonymity.

The couple, whose surrogate is yet to conceive, know of six other Australian couples who have baby through the scheme.

Rod Goodbun, a spokesman for Action Reform Change Queensland, said it was important gay couples had such options available to them in Australia, ideally under an altruistic arrangement.

But Professor Michael Chapman from Sydney IVF said the nation was not ready for such a step, especially if those involved were paid.

"If a service is provided overseas then so be it but community norms at this point in time would not support it here."

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Absolutely the best lovemaking positions for your pleasure!

Lifestyle. One of the most important aspects to a great sex life is the use of various positions for sexual intercourse. Surprisingly, many people only practice one or two positions, but after years of repetition, sex can become monotonous. So here you are, finally ready to experiment with some new and sometimes wild positions in order to enhance both you and your partner’s sexual pleasure. Some of the best lovemaking positions are listed below to offer you a whole new world of erotic and sensual excitement in the bedroom. Remember, these positions are basic starting points; it is up to you to add your personal sensuous flair to your love sessions!

Best Lovemaking PositionsUpdated Missionary: Here is a new twist to a common position. The woman lies flat on her back with her legs straight up in the air, or resting against the man’s chest, while the man is above her to enter her in the kneeling position, or with his legs extended behind him. It allows for deep penetration, and the woman’s hands are free to explore and caress her partner. For increased erotic stimulation, help him manipulate your clitoris or touch his penis as he is thrusting into you.

Side by Side or ‘Doggie Style’: With the woman bent on all fours, the man enters her from behind. It allows deep penetration and full control for the man, evoking carnal desires and intense orgasms for both of you - one of the best lovemaking positions.

Leapfrog: Much like the side by side position, except that the woman falls forward against her knees while the man enters her from behind. This position is ideal for those who wish less penetration due to discomfort. The man is able to caress the woman’s back and buttocks with his hands.

Astride or ‘Woman on Top’: As one of the best lovemaking positions, it is very effective for both deep and shallow penetration. In this almost reverse missionary position, the woman sits on the man’s erect penis with her knees bent, or her feet flat at the man’s sides, while he is lying on his back. This position allows the woman complete movement control. Experiment with your hands or turn around and face his feet. It is guaranteed to drive him wild!

Scissors or ‘Cuissade’: As the man is lying on his side with his bottom leg slightly bent, the penis is inserted while one of the woman’s leg lies over and against the side of his waist, and the other is under his leg to create a scissor-like picture. Though initially tricky to master, many people choose this position as the best way to achieve intense orgasm, possibly even multiple orgasms. Once the man finds that ever-so-sensitive spot, it will surely become one of your favorite lovemaking positions!

When trying any or all of these best lovemaking positions, communication with your partner is not only important, but also an erotic experience. Listen and learn from each other as to what turns you on, and reap the benefits of a satisfying and joyful sex life!

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